Bleyer Worldwide

I promise.  It only looks like I'm yelling.

The topic of this Ted Talk was "How to Write A Joke."  Basically I just told jokes about writing Ted Talks about writing jokes.

The topic of this Ted Talk was "How to Write A Joke."  Basically I just told jokes about writing Ted Talks about writing jokes.

But there's more

Kevin Bleyer speaks frequently on topics of writing generally, comedy writing specifically, the American Constitution generally, rewriting the American Constitution specifically, depression generally, and struggles with depression specifically.   Also, the eternally compelling subject of what's Jon Stewart like in person?

He has spoken at the LBJ Library in Austin, the JFK Library in Boston, and many other less-rhyming venues, including universities across the country, Cambridge University in London, the American School in Moscow, the Doha Forum in Qatar, and the National Constitution Center in Washington D.C.

speaking engagements

If you'd like to hear from him, he'd like to hear from you.